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Carina Diesing Actress and Designer

Sabine Buchwald SZ 20. Januar 2021

Carina Diesing has made it into the south german press (Suddeutschezeitung and Mü with her critical fashion designs. This young woman is a very determined bright german actress since as young as 9 years old and began only one year ago designing as exam project her first fashion brand line.

Her fashion was showcased at the examination fashion show end of her studies as designer at the “designschool munich” (Deutsche Meisterschule für Mode München) last year.

Before the Show the school had a designer lookbook shoot for which I was invited and briefly was able to get to know her.

Following, at the day of the Show, Carina’s Designs were the most intriguing, that I’d asked her, what her story behind collection is.

After explaining in depth her conceptional fashion designs, I was more than amazed and offered to collaborate after she had graduated.

And so we did! Not long after graduation, despite the first confusing phase of COVID19, she agreed to a shooting with me and star-photographer Jan Siebert and invited her friend, who is a professional make-up artist, Sarah Buchenberger as well.

As team we managed to create not only a fashion shoot but a statment of our critical, hard times.

This critical but artful imagery was published by IMIRAGE Magazine, Australia and The Mob Journal, New York.

On the 20th January Carina Diesing had a featured artical in one of the leading german newspapers written about her as artist and aspiring designer.

Not long after that she gave a interview at the to re-enforce her message of a profound experience in fashion to create awareness about social and political issues on an international scale!

See her Interview Video in German here by München TV

Mode – bei ihrer Abschlusskollektion hat Carina nicht an Gesellschaftskritik gespart


Sexuelle Gewalt, Konsumverhalten bis hin zum Fremdenhass und das in Mode?!

Modedesignern und Schauspielerin Carina Diesing hat in ihrer Abschlusskollektion all das und noch vieles mehr kritisiert.

Wir haben uns die gesellschaftskritische Kleidung mal etwas näher angeschaut.

DEMO 2020 Show SE:


Check out her website and social media channels:

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